A Comprehensive Analysis of the Intersection of Islam Nusantara, Religious Moderation, and Pesantren Education
Inclusive Pedagogical Practice, Islam Nusantara, Pesantren Education, Religious Moderation, SociopoliticsAbstract
This comprehensive analysis investigates the dynamic interaction between these important elements in Indonesia's Islamic education landscape. Increasing global influence and internal sociopolitical changes highlight the need to explore how traditional Islamic values are maintained and adapted in pesantren education. This study aims to understand the integration of Islam Nusantara and religious moderation in pesantren practices and pedagogy. Using a mixed approach, combining qualitative interviews and observations with quantitative surveys, this study provides a holistic view of the current state of this intersection. The findings reveal that the values of Islam Nusantara are effectively maintained and adapted in pesantren, promoting religious moderation as a core educational principle. The findings emphasize the importance of strengthening the values of Islam Nusantara and developing inclusive pedagogical practices in Pesantren to face contemporary challenges while preserving cultural heritage.
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