Adapting Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in the Digital Era
Challenges and Innovative Strategies
Innovative Strategies, Islamic Religious Education, Learning Effectiveness, Teaching Challenges, Technology adaptationAbstract
Islamic Religious Education (PAI) must adapt to the digital era to remain relevant and effective in conveying religious values to students. However, this transformation presents various challenges that need to be overcome so that the learning process can take place optimally. This study aims to identify the challenges faced in implementing technology in Islamic religious education teaching and develop innovative strategies to overcome these challenges. The research methodology used mixed methods combined with a quantitative survey with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) with PAI teachers. The results showed that using technology in PAI teaching can improve learning effectiveness and student engagement. However, it is faced with constraints on access to technology, lack of teacher training, and concerns about the negative impact of technology on traditional values. The implications of this study include the importance of developing a comprehensive training program for teachers, improving technology infrastructure, and implementing innovative strategies that wisely integrate technology in the Islamic education curriculum. Thus, Islamic religious education can continue to develop and adapt in the digital era without sacrificing its essence and fundamental values.
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